Saturday, March 6, 2010

Come a come a come a chameleon

One of the rules about moving that you just can't get around is that you will have to dump a few things. Some things get lost, or in my case, "get lost", in the move. (Best excuse I've ever had to dump a bunch of stupid crap! And by stupid crap, I mean poorly thought out gifts.) But some things get personally discarded. What people don't tell you is that you don't just get rid of stuff. A little piece of yourself changes. A piece of your personality or a quirk takes a different shape.

Blame it on the new surroundings or the new life in the new city, but it happens. A part of who you are takes on a whole new form. Things you never thought you would do or say are suddenly said and did. New thoughts pop into your head and instead of just brushing them aside you pull them in close and take a closer look. You start to think, "What the hell! Everything else is changing, why not this, too!"

I can't say for sure what it is that's changed about me in the recent move, but whatever it is, I noticed. Maybe I've lightened up a little more. Or maybe I just don't care about the mundane day-to-day stuff, because I'm out of my element. In any case, I somehow feel a little freer (no pun intended, considering my current homelessness).

I still can't put my finger on it, but whatever it is I'm liking it!

1 comment:

  1. Cutest picture to go with your blog post. I really love your writing....and I'm glad you're feeling free. I hope this doesn't mean that you're also going to stop using a razor....but if you do, I'll still love you!
