Friday, February 19, 2010

Listlessly making lists

Lists seems to be the theme this week. Making lists and crossing things off old ones. My grandmother is a big list maker. And when I say big, I mean she has about a hundred sticky notes all over her kitchen counter and phone with lists of things to get done or notes to herself. I've become just like her in that respect. (Actually, I am very much like her. Period.)

Anyway, back to said lists. I realized today that I accomplished a lot of things last year. Some things were voluntarily tackled and others came into my life, were experienced/explored and finished themselves.

Vague, I know.

The lists of late have been about things to get done before moving (what else...), but what's been circling my brain lately is a bit more "big picture":

Every year I make a list of things I want to do or accomplish or experience and last month I sat down and took a look at my list for 2009 and was pleasantly surprised that I had done just about everything I had set out to do. So, the habit has been to look at the previous year's list and decide if any unfinished business makes it on to the new year's list and what else I should add. But this year I only wrote down four things.

Could it be that I've become lower maintenance?!

I'm not going to tell you all four of those things (hate to ruin the possible surprises!), but one was about traveling. And today I got to thinking that I wasn't dreaming big enough. Seeing Chicago is such a small thing for me to list when while I've been so many places, I still have so many yet to see! I must have still been in my funk from the previous post. (If you were here right now you would see me rolling my eyes at myself.)

So, the question now is how do I push myself to dream bigger? Where do I really want to go? And what do I really want to do? The pressure of buying a house right this second is off. So is the slight pressure of finding a place to rent right away. And since I'm about to be completely free of everything (bills, debt, etc) now is the perfect time for me to figure out those bigger dreams and push myself toward something great.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for updates on these lists... I'm a big list maker too. I make several variations of the same list throughout the day/week because I've accidently thrown it out or lost it. Then I clean out my car and find dozens of mini lists crumpled up under the seat. Hmm. Writing that makes me wonder if that's a sign.
