Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding your mantra

Is it possible to be scared and fearless simultaneously? There are so many scary moves to make in life, but is it a possibility that you can be fearless at the same time? Maybe even fierce?

Be fierce.

That's been my mantra this year. A little reminder to myself that I don't need to approach every opportunity in total timidity. I found myself holding back out of fear one too many times, when out of nowhere I heard a small voice tell me to "Be Fierce!" Words that I took to mean this: to be myself to the full extent. Hearing those two little words, I almost swerved off the road. Would've been safer to hear that phrase flash across my conscience while walking down the street, but c'est la vie!

Do you ever catch yourself holding back when maybe you should be letting go? You're afraid that if you put your whole self out there someone will think you're weird, totally nuts, certifiable? I'm pretty sure everyone has those moments.

Yeah...pretty sure...

Anyway, I was just curious: if you had to narrow down your life to a single mantra (for now, for all of eternity, for whatever season you happen to be in) what would it be?

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