Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just the facts, ma'am.

Alternative title: Know when to say uncle taxi.

Fact: I am smitten. I really do love The Second City. It has me baffled, turned around, full of genuinely nice people, clean streets, cool architecture and has me wanting more. I've had a chest cold that sounds like walking pneumonia the entire time I've been here and every day I would step outside into the heaviest, loveliest humidity I've ever experienced. It was like walking into a life-size humidifier. The only thing that would have put this city over the top was if I were to get a personal rub down with Vick's every day by Chicago's pet, John Cusack. (I guess I can let that one slide.)

Second City: You have a chest cold?
CG: Sure do. And it's the worst!
Second City: No problem! Just step outside and we'll see if we can't get rid of that hacking cough!
CG: Sweet.Thanks!
Second City: My pleasure. P.S. I think you're cute. 
CG: *blush*

I felt about this awesome all week.
Fact: I almost never take a cab when my legs will get me to my destination just fine. That is until I walked about 15 blocks in the wrong direction the other day and fell prey to the heat of The Midwest. While I appreciate the thick air opening up my lungs and making it easier for me to breathe, the sweat that accompanies that kind of weather had become unbearable the day I got lost and found myself standing in front of Wrigley Field surrounded by a sea of hot, sweaty baseball fans reeking of beer and hotdogs. I finally cried uncle taxi and flung my tired hand into the air. I probably would have hopped into a strangers car at that point if I thought they had air conditioning.

Ironically, isn't that what riding in a cab is all about?

Fact: I'm dreading going home to the land of no cabs and a lot more dirt. Sometimes I wonder if The Country is my real-life nemesis.

Fact: I have two bucket lists. One for the single life. One for life in general. The life list is about a mile long while the single life list has dwindled down to just a few things in the last year. Seeing Wrigley Field (and later seeing a Cubs game) helped to cross of an item on both lists which just made this city even more amazing in my eyes.

If this beach bunny can hack living through a real winter then I will seriously consider moving here. Stay tuned...

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