Friday, April 9, 2010

Mutiny on my bounty!

Do you ever have a recurring day dream? I do.

One of my favorite movies of all time is Multiplicity featuring Michael Keaton, Andie McDowell and Andie's adorable Southern accent. Keaton plays a guy with a laundry list so big he finds it impossible to keep up with his life. So, what does he do to resolve this problem? He clones himself. And then the clone clones himself, etc etc etc. Then the obvious slapstick hilarity ensues....yadayadayada...he realizes that letting some of those juggled balls drop is OK after all. Life doesn't stop just because you let go of a few things on your to-do list.

Holy pandemonium, Batman!

My recurring day dream is that I get to clone myself. I imagine all of the possibilities: things I could accomplish, tasks I could finish and places I could go. I might actually get a chance to relax. Or at least one of me would! Most mornings my head is already reeling by 10 'o clock with all the things I need to do. And by lunchtime the walls might as well be closing in on me. So much to do. So little time. I've been told a thousand times to get an assistant, but I always find reasons why I don't need one or want one. Although, maybe now that I'm going to be on the road more I should think about hiring someone who doesn't move around as much as me to take care of the day to day stuff.

ANYWAY, all this to say that my move to the country has turned out to be a good thing. During the commute to my new office I noticed that the slow driving wasn't sending me into fits of panic and rage like it usually does. In fact, I was actually enjoying being stuck behind a 92 year old driver who was slowly weaving his way down the road and around The Lake.

As you may have noticed, I'm a big fan of making lists, setting goals and giving myself deadlines. But I have this new theory (as of this morning) that maybe I like putting all this pressure on myself just to see it not work out like I had planned. It's like those kids who build a huge tower of blocks just to knock them down.

Life's mutiny on my bounty.

And in light of this morning's epiphany I eased up on the plans and list making for at least another day. Life isn't going to stop just because some things (or everything!) isn't going as planned.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to loosen up a bit :) I know what you mean though with planning, list making, etc. Chris is opposite of me on this and it seems to work out/ I'm learning to relax and he's learning to organize a bit more :)
