Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Trifecta

I had this exact thing happen one other time. It was years and years ago. I showed up to a class in college, spotted someone I hadn't seen in months - almost a year - and the trifecta was complete. I was having a week that I aptly titled and referred to for weeks afterward as Return of the Ex-Boyfriends. It was more than a happening. It was an event. It was noteworthy. It was weird.

This weekend was no different.

The thing about using the word trifecta* is it's only an accurate description if things shows up in the proper order: first, second, third. Well, for this City Girl the last few days have been the trifecta of perfection. Not only did the ex-boyfriends return, but they showed their faces in the exact order in which they were dated. First. Second. And the heart-wrenching third.

The Possibility sent a text message after several months of silence. And let me just say, I have never been a fan of reaching out to anyone via text message for anything of importance and I still stand by that principle. Text messages are for last minute directions and afterthoughts for someone who just ran to the grocery store for you. Not to mention, if we're not friends online anymore we're not friends.

Yeah...sorry...that text "didn't come through."

Bachelor Number Two showed his face tonight which didn't exactly sway me since we seem to run into each other more often than not. At which point I leaned over to my friend and told her that I seemed to be having a Return of the Ex-Boyfriends weekend. Then, lo and behold, The Light In My Eyes entered the room and stole Bachelor Number Two's seat. Which turned out to be funny to watch as they both know that the only thing they have in common is this City Girl and probably aren't each other's biggest fan. And then one of them noticed me across the room. I smiled. He looked around awkwardly and quickly found a new seat. I giggled to myself. And....scene.

Was it a haunting? Fate? Coincidence?

Who knows. Maybe tomorrow I'll run into my first kiss...

*Disclaimer: All boyfriends previous to the last three were waaaay back in my early twenties, were stupid and young and therefore are no longer important enough to include in the list. So, I will now only refer to these previous three. Possibly for the rest of my life.

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