Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poke me. Text me. Email me. Call me.

I have a good friend of mine that has this theory about men and texting/facebook poking/phone calls/emailing. Now, let it be known that the phone calls are few and far between these days, because things like texting and facebook make it waaaay too easy to be passive aggressive in the dating world. However, in the case of this particular theory let's include any form of communication that does not involve face time.

Her theory: Texting and facebook poking are just another way for a man to touch you. It's his way of laying claim to you.

When I heard her say this I just figured she was on one of her rants about men, but then I realized that she may be on to something. She made a very valid point, in fact, that aligns perfectly with a theory I have.

My theory: When guys are interested they constantly let you know in some form. In other words, if I were a tree and he were a dog, he would pee on me at least once a day.

There's never been a time when I couldn't tell if someone was interested in me or not. When guys like you they track you down and "lay claim" to you all the freaking time. When guys aren't interested, you will never hear from them. Ever.

Simple facts. Simple truth. 

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