Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas(mustache)time is here!

I absolutely, hands down, love Christmastime! And just because the funds will be a tad lower than last year is no reason why people can't still get awesome presents from lil 'ol me! So, here's what is on the menu this year: mustaches.

I sort of went crazy with a mustache theme this year. No reason for it. I just think mustaches are really funny and sometimes cool. The kiddos of the family are getting some awesome temporary fingerstache tattoos which you might think is an odd gift for kids, but not in this family. My brother (their dad) has a real fingerstache tattoo that he got to entertain the kids. And now it's their turn to entertain the dad! Whoopie!

Speaking of the brother...he and the wife just moved to a new house this year that has an AWESOME indoor bar and pool table area. (Pool table didn't come with the house. We just figured it was where the pool table should go.) So, what better to go with an indoor bar (aptly named The Funky Knuckle) than these kitschy, hand painted mustache shot glasses! Oh yeah!

The Coolest Sister of the Year award goes to...

And for everybody else, there will be a plethora of chocolate lollipops in the shape of a good old fashioned mustache! (The parents and grandparents will be enjoying a different variety of temporary tattoos, but that's a post for another time!)

So, while this "out of a job" thing may have cut back on the cost of fun I can afford it doesn't cut back on the amount of fun I can still have! Merry Almost Christmas, everybody!

I'd like to thank etsy.com, amazon.com and spoonsisters.com for their undying affection toward the mustache and ridiculously cool gift ideas.

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